Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Merging+Media - Where Media Makers Converge!

Delighted to announce that Pentimento Productions's latest and extremely exciting project is taking shape and moving along at Turbo speed :)!

We've incorporated Merging+Media Productions Inc. to produce the first Merging+ Media Conference + Masterclass, an inaugural Cross-media industry event that's packed with goodies for the Conventional and digital media producer, to take place on 28-29 October, 2010. M+M Productions Inc. is our sister-company that handles event production and it has signed a Partnership agreement with the Canadian Media Production Association (formerly CFTPA) to present M+M! 300-400 top media producers will converge at the spanking new event venues at the Woodwards Heritage Complex, where both the Masterclass and Conference will be held.

The two day feast will feature top international speakers and sessions on the business of producing successful cross-platform productions. Much of the impetus to organize this event came from my discussions with many developers and producers in the community who felt there was a lack of understanding on the business prospects involved in Cross-platform production. So....we have taken the challenge to present a Business Conference with topics that will include funding+ financing, new business models, and showcase cutting edge platforms+technology as well as "Best in Class" Case studies from both the Digital+conventional convergent space. The Masterclass held the day before the Conference will bring together 30-40 producers for a Masterclass led by a International transmedia expert. The full day hands-on sessions are designed to help Producers with multi-platform projects receive quality mentorship from industry experts on their proposals in development.

Some great industry partners are already on board such as Knowledge Network, BC Film and UBC-Continuing Studies. I'm totally stoked at the in-kind support that's also been committed by NFB, The Social Agency, NRC-IRAP, iXLd and the W2 Community Media Arts community, just to name a few:)!.

M+M's Conference Office is now located in the heart of downtown at the CMPA's BC Branch office in The Vancouver Block, a charming 1912 Heritage building at 736 Granville Street (it's the building with the clock tower behind London Drugs). For those who I've spoken to about this initiative, thanks for your valuable input, I hope to incorporate all your great ideas into this event....Drop by when you're in the hood and find out more about what's in store!

More news at !

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